
How to Make Gaziantep’s Famous Dried Eggplant

How to Make Gaziantep’s Famous Dried Eggplant
How to Make Gaziantep’s Famous Dried Eggplant

Ingredients and Tools

  • Fresh eggplants (preferably medium-sized for even drying)
  • Large pot for boiling
  • Strainer or colander
  • String or twine
  • A needle (large enough to thread the string through)

Steps to Prepare Dried Eggplants

1. Select and Prepare the Eggplants: Choose fresh, firm eggplants without any blemishes. Wash them thoroughly under running water to remove any dirt or pesticides.

2. Blanch the Eggplants: Before drying, blanch the eggplants to preserve their color and reduce bitterness. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Prick the eggplants with a fork a few times and submerge them in the boiling water for about 4 to 5 minutes. Remove them quickly and place them in a strainer under cold water to stop the cooking process.

3. Prepare for Drying: Once cooled, take each eggplant and make a small slit at the bottom for easier drying. Use a strong thread or twine and a needle to string the eggplants together by their stems.

4. Drying Process: Hang the strung eggplants in a sunny, dry place with good air circulation. Avoid areas that are overly humid or exposed to rain. The best drying conditions mimic those of a warm Mediterranean climate. The process can take several days to a couple of weeks, depending on the weather conditions. The eggplants should feel completely dry and somewhat leathery when fully cured.

5. Storage: Once dried, remove the eggplants from the string and store them in a dry, cool place. They can be kept in cloth bags that allow air to circulate to prevent any moisture from spoiling them.

6. Rehydrating for Cooking: To use dried eggplants, soak them in warm water until they are fully rehydrated, which typically takes about 30 minutes to an hour. After rehydrating, they are ready to be used in your favorite recipes.
