
To Eliminate Asthma, Flu, Bronchitis… Drink 1 Cup Daily! Basil Tea

To Eliminate Asthma, Flu, Bronchitis… Drink 1 Cup Daily! Basil Tea
To Eliminate Asthma, Flu, Bronchitis… Drink 1 Cup Daily! Basil Tea


  • 1 cup fresh basil leaves (or 1 tablespoon dried basil)
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 tablespoon honey (optional)
  • Juice of half a lemon (optional)
  • Instructions

1. Boil the Water

  • Start by bringing 2 cups of water to a boil in a small pot.

2. Add Basil

  • Once the water is boiling, add the fresh basil leaves (or dried basil). Reduce the heat and let it simmer for about 5-10 minutes. This allows the basil to release its beneficial compounds into the water.

3. Strain the Tea

  • After simmering, remove the pot from heat and strain the tea into a cup to remove the basil leaves.

4. Add Lemon and Honey

  • Add the juice of half a lemon and stir in honey if desired for a bit of sweetness. Lemon juice adds a refreshing taste and enhances the tea’s immune-boosting properties.

5. Enjoy

  • Sip your basil tea slowly, enjoying its soothing and aromatic flavor.

Benefits of Basil Tea

1. Relieves Respiratory Conditions

Asthma and Bronchitis: Basil has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that help reduce inflammation in the airways, making it easier to breathe. It can help relieve symptoms of asthma and bronchitis by relaxing the muscles of the respiratory tract and reducing congestion.

Flu: Basil is rich in antioxidants and essential oils like eugenol, which can help fight off infections and support the immune system. Drinking basil tea can help reduce the symptoms of flu, such as fever, cough, and sore throat.

2. Boosts Immunity

Antioxidants: Basil is packed with antioxidants that help fight off free radicals and boost overall immunity. Regular consumption of basil tea can strengthen your body’s defenses against illnesses.

3. Soothes Inflammation

Anti-Inflammatory Properties: The anti-inflammatory compounds in basil can help soothe inflammation in the respiratory tract, reducing symptoms and promoting easier breathing.

4. Detoxifies the Body

Cleansing Properties: Basil helps detoxify the body by eliminating toxins and supporting liver function. This detoxification process can improve overall health and well-being.

Tips for Best Results

  • Fresh Ingredients: Use fresh basil leaves for the best flavor and maximum health benefits. If fresh basil is not available, dried basil can also be used.
  • Consistency: For optimal results, drink basil tea daily, especially during the cold and flu season or when experiencing respiratory symptoms.
  • Stay Hydrated: Ensure you stay well-hydrated throughout the day to help your body eliminate toxins and keep your respiratory system clear.

